Friday, June 5, 2009

Ginny Bumps Up Mileage!

Hi Everyone,
My trip to Ohio was fantastic and I am happy to report that out of 14 days away I walked 2.5 miles 10 of those days. Two were for travel and because of the grades/hills where I walked I had gotten a blister on one of my heels and had to take two days off for that to heal. I'm back to the Florida heat and today bumped up my mileage to 3 miles in preparation for the Rap River Run next Saturday. I truly felt that last 1/2 mile but I did it and plan to continue with the 3 miles a day until the race. It will be a huge accomplishment for me and "my metal parts" to cross that finish line. Hope you are there to join me in the celebration!
Walking for Health, Happiness and the RAP House!

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