Thursday, May 14, 2009

Follow Ginny as She Prepares to Walk RRR!

Hi fellow runners and walkers, I'm Ginny Pierce, a 61-year-old female that is so grateful to be able to participate in the RAP RIVER RUN this year. I have suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis in my knees and other joints for the past 20+ years taking multiple medications and treatments to ease the pain to alleviate knee replacement surgeries. In 2006, we had new front porch flooring tiling and trim installed and due to defective materials a piece broke and I fell coming off the porch landing directly on my knees. To complicate matters, I had back surgery in 2005 and had five metal rods in my back to fuse the discs. Needless to say, the jolt and impact affected my back and knees and I ended up in the hospital a few days later. My back was treated with epidurals and it worked to alleviate that pain. My knees were another story that has been a long and painful saga. I had to have the left knee replaced to start with the following January. That led to a fracture in the left lower leg bone that I dealt with for eight months. I was in a wheelchair, on a walker, in a boot, did physical therapy and finally a metal plate with eleven pins and screws had to be surgically implanted in that area. Nine months later after recovering from that I had the right knee replaced and that recovery has gone extremely well. This time last year I could not stand for more than few minutes and I was not able to even volunteer at the RAP River Run. The RAP house that this event supports is a cause I feel very strongly about so I really wanted to participate in some way. I am happy to report that the biggest part of my recovery has been walking to prepare for the 3.1 mile walk on June 13th. I have a team of myself and four others from Keystone Rotary Club. They are my biggest cheerleaders, along with my husband Rick, and close friends who have been through these past three years of agony with me. I am up to walking 2.5 miles per day at least five days a week and am so excited about being able to cross that finish line. I will keep you updated as I continue to train and push myself to improve my times and distance. I will be on vacation in Ohio with my family for the next two weeks but will continue to train and update you when I return. I welcome your support as it will be one of the biggest challenges I have ever undertaken! Follow me to the race!
"Walking for Health, Happiness and the RAP House" Ginny

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work Ginny. Crossing the finish line is amazing! Carol p.
