Friday, April 16, 2010

Back to the running by Mary Rozycki

This week was one I was looking forward to! I was really ready to get back to running and working out consistantly.

The schedule for Couch to 5K week 4
5 min walk
3min run
90 sec walk
5min run
2 1/2 walk
3min run
90 sec walk
5min run
2 1/2 walk
cool down walk

Looks much worse than it actually was. I was amazed because I could do it. Not only was I able to do but at the end I really found it not bad. I was able to get breathing normal again by the end of my cool down.......

If you are looking for a great program to Couch to 5K, to get you ready in 9weeks.

This week I also was happy to go out shopping for some new workout clothes, needed shorts and tanktops. What a fun way to spend my hard earned money !

See you next week come back to see how week 5 goes for me, it is the big run on day 3.

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