Monday, April 26, 2010

Ginny Pierce Hits the 3 Mile Mark!

Hi fellow walkers and runners,

I am so proud of this 62-year-old body tonight! I did 2-1/2 miles a day Friday, Sat. and Sunday, and I walked in the heat of the day. So walking early, early this morning when it was cool, I went for the 3 miles and I did it right at 60 minutes and survived and worked all day!!! It was halfway through May last year before I even attempted 3 miles a day!!! I do, and encourage you, to walk and run during different times of the day even if you don't go as far because it does prepare you for the heat on race day. I couldn't have dreamed last year I would be so hot and so in need of hydration as I walked off those miles and they hydrate us all along the course. It's amazing how this little thing of walking for the RAP House (and I'm just one out of 1,000) can give me such great satisfaction. It's a wonderful time to think, look at nature, and plan or review the day. Hang in there guys and keep walking and running for "Our Kids"!

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