Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ginny Finishes The Race!

Hi Everyone,
What a great day for the RAP House and a huge round of congratulations and thanks to the organizing committee and all the volunteers! You made the walk I did a pleasure! What a great feeling it was to cross that finish line after years of being barely able to get around. The last 4 months of training for yesterday were grueling and painful at times but it was all worth it! My husband Rick, friends, and Keystone Rotary Club members were there to see me cross the finish line and I have to tell you the tears flowed! It was so exciting and you can bet I will be back next year. I know many had set their sights on running, walking and just finishing yesterday and I was so proud to be a part of something that was such a great community effort. I will take a few days off but will continue walking because it is such a part of my life and daily routine now. Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement and as I sign off my wish would be that we double those numbers next year for the kids that count on us.

Walking for Health, Happiness and the RAP HOUSE


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