Thursday, March 25, 2010

The 3rd Annual RAP River Run Is Getting Closer!

It's hard to believe, but the 3rd Annual RAP River Run is less than 90 days away. With the weather finally turning warmer, it's time to get out and start training whether you are going to run or walk.

Planning for the race is in high gear, and this year's race promises to be bigger and better than ever. Some of the things planned for this year include:

- Race fees that have not gone up! RAP River Run is still the best bargain in town at $15 for the 5K and $10 for the One Mile Fun Run. We haven't raised prices since our inaugural race.

- A One Mile Fun Run that will be chip timed and will start at 7:30. Now you can do both the One Mile and the 5K!

- Vendors/Expo. Be sure to bring some money along with your running shoes. We will be having vendors at Sims Park offering a wide variety of items

- Post Race Party by Carrabba's in Lutz. Carrabba's has handled the post race party since the inaugural run. Sugar n'Spice will be back this year too with lots of post race goodies.

- Collection boxes for shoes. These shoes will be distributed to those in need in the Tampa Bay area. We'll also be posting collection locations shortly.

- We're on Facebook! Become a fan and get updated with all the latest news, training tips and more. And, we're giving away free race entries to our Facebook fans. Become a fan at

We're also looking for guest bloggers. If RAP River Run is your first 5K run or walk or if you are trying to achieve a fitness goal by race time or have any other story you'd like to share, please comment to this blog or send an email to

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