Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let The Adventures Begin!

Thanks to a great response, we now have several people who have agreed to blog about their training and goals for the RAP River Run. We hope you follow along and give them lots of support as they work hard to achieve their goals. Hopefully, they will also inspire others to do the same.

Here's a little information about a few of our guest bloggers.

Ginny Pierce: Ginny blogged last year about doing the RAP River Run after two knee replacements and barely being able to stand the year before. She's back again and after again dealing with health issues, she is ready to tackle the 2010 RAP River Run with her amazing will and great spirit.

Tory DeWaters: In the past year, Tory was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has undergone surgery, aggressive chemotherapy and now is enduring radiation. But, she is determined to complete the 5K at the RAP River Run. Her story is one of great determination and inspiration.

Mary Rozycki: In March of 2009, Mary made a life changing decision to get healthy and fit. Today, 60lbs lighter, Mary is following the couch to 5K training plan and will run her first 5K at RAP River Run. Mary's story will show us that anything is possible when we put our minds to it.

Our bloggers will be updating us very frequently so check back often. Be sure to give them encouragement and join in on the conversations.

1 comment:

  1. Blog looks great! Good luck to all with your goals!
