Thursday, April 1, 2010

Training for my first 5K, during cancer treatment and beyond!

My name is Victoria DeWaters, and I have never had much of an interest in jogging or running. Folks who know me have probably heard me say, "The only time I am going to run is if a dog or a police officer is chasing me, and the likelihood of either is very small!" So, why have I decided to walk/jog my first 5K at the Youth and Family Alternatives RAP River Run in June?

In 2009, I experienced one of those "life changing" years. Early on, I had decided I needed a lifestyle change. I wanted to re-tool my diet and introduce regular exercise into my life. By mid-year, I had worked off some extra weight, and I was exercising around 5 days a week at my local Gold's Gym. Then, just a week before my 35th birthday, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Breast Cancer. Soon after this, I endured two surgeries (including a double mastectomy), and I began an aggressive course of chemotherapy in mid-October 2009. Radiation treatment would begin in early 2010.

By the end of 2009, I had experienced 4 chemotherapy sessions...I had no hair, about 13 pounds of extra weight from strong steroids (meant to combat allergic reactions to the chemo medications), and not a lot of strength or stamina. Yet, I continued to work, and I even managed to go to the gym...about once every other week.

After chemotherapy ended in January 2010, radiation treatments soon began. This entailed daily treatments, Monday through Friday, for a total of 33 sessions.

With work, radiation treatments, and a dog who enjoys his evening visits to the dog park, one would think I had enough on my plate--especially for someone in the middle of cancer treatment! And yet, I was determined to regain my health and fitness.

In early March, I decided to set a new fitness goal for myself. As luck would have it, local Pasco County community members and my employer, Youth and Family Alternatives, Inc., were beginning to gear up for the 3rd Annual RAP River Run. This event raises money for youth in crisis who need shelter, counseling and/or life skills services. As a proud supporter of my employer and the services we provide at the RAP House, this seemed to be the perfect challenge to me (physically and mentally) to participate in our annual fundraising event--a 5K Run!

In the hopes of inspiring others to overcome and conquer life's challenges, and to help raise awareness (and funds) for the Youth and Family Alternatives RAP House, I am honored to offer my words--my story of preparing for this event. Please check in every Wednesday for a few words about my progress, and please also plan to join me on June 12th, 2010, for the Third Annual RAP River Run!


  1. Wow! How inspiring! Keep up the great work, can't wait to see you at the race!

  2. Tory has one fabulous attitude. As Development Director I first thought our race was all about raising money for the RAP House but then I morphed from couch potato into a more athletic dude and realized it's equally about being in shape or challenging yourself to get in better shape. One of our key sponsors and supporters Spring Engineering challenged their employees to run or volunteer and that first year one woman member lost 100 pounds becoming a new you. I'll be running June 12th with Tory and 999 other people.
