Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ginny Pierce Hoping To Inspire Ohio Family!

I will be leaving on May 27th to visit our sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren, sister and brothers in Columbus, Ohio for a couple weeks (GO BUCKEYES!) so of course I am in constant "brag" mode about how great I am doing with my walking and how forward I'm looking to the RAP RIVER RUN on June 12th. Melissa, "daughter-in-law one", said maybe you can me jump started while you're here and I will walk in the mornings with you even though I probably couldn't make one mile! I assured her she could and would! After all she's only big as a minute and is in a panic because she went from a size 4 to a size 6 during their awful winter months. My other d-i-l, Rene, said I would love to join you guys but I think I'm busy in the mornings!!! Of course the sons, grandchildren and brothers are all very athletic, play golf, workout and don't need to walk, especially with Mom!

Now to my sister Becky. Her take on this is if we don't go too early she will go with us. We will pick her up to go the walking trail. Once we arrive she will get her lawn chair with umbrella out just in case the sun is out, haul out her thermos of coffee, peanut butter crackers and cigarettes and wait for us to return!!! That's her version of supporting us!! I hate the cigarettes and have begged her for years to quit smoking but she is someone who loves nothing better than sitting outside with her coffee and cigs and enjoying the fresh air. Never mind she's killing the husband, the dog, the cat and the creatures outside! But, can't change her so guess we will haul her and all her gear that makes her happy with us and she will patiently wait at the end of the trail for her sister and Melissa to return all hot, sweaty and thirsty. Maybe she might even have a tall cold one waiting for us!


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