Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shaving off Some Time!!! by Victoria DeWaters

Well, this past week has been a whirlwind of activity for me! I have been working, taking the dog to the park (and the beach), and exercising regularly! During the past few nights, I have been focusing on reducing my time for the Rap River Run 5K...just a few short weeks away!

Since I have been using my trainer, Kyle Woodward for help with weight-training activities and nutrition advice, it has really been up to me to focus on my running and walking. I still struggle very much with running for any distance--I seem to have to do short intervals of jogging mixed in with walking at a fast pace. Last night, I completed the entire 5K distance in just 48 minutes! Tonight, after an intense weight-training workout, I completed a mile in just over 15 minutes...woo hoo!

I have still struggled with getting out in the heat to jog/walk very much. I seem to get very tired, very quickly. Luckily, I can complete the entire distance; however, I cannot keep up the same level of speed that I can indoors. So, I have decided to work in some short bursts (of faster walking and jogging) to help shave off some time!

Check back in next week for an update!

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