Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ginny Pierce's Neighborhood Cheering Her On!

Hi Walkers and Runners,
I live in Nature's Hideaway and the residents on my street are really close, friendly and spend alot of time outside. Most of them have small children, dogs and cats and it's really an ideal neighborhood to raise children with great neighbors. Rick and I are the older (in age and time of residence) people at the end of the cul de sac. They all helped see me through the bad times, surgeries, rehab and even helped take care of me when Rick had to work so they really give me the high five and cheers when they see me walking every day. I've given out flyers and am hoping to get some of them there with me for the 5K Walk or Run. Alot of them didn't even know about the RAP House and the wonderful safe shelter they provide for kids that are less fortunate than theirs. If nothing else I hope to educate them about our mission, our needs and build some support. They all know I'm a Rotarian and am on the board for the PACE Center for Girls. They save news articles for me about my activities when they see them in the paper, especially if I happen to appear in the photo. It's amazing what you can learn about people when you walk your neighborhood and I feel really blessed and grateful to live where I do know my neighbors and I can call on them if I need to. I also hope they know they could call on me and I want to say "thank you neighbors" for supporting me in all activities and especially giving me encouragement for the RAP RIVER RUN and the kids we are walking for!

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