Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wait, she's going inside and I'm headed out? Victoria DeWaters

Goodness! The last couple of weeks have been hectic for me. I went on a trip to Baltimore/Washington D.C. for a memorial service, and I have been traveling around a lot for work (including an overnight stay in Orlando last week). I seem to have found little time for any sort of structured exercise.

Thankfully, I have been able to get up to the gym during the last couple of nights. I continue to meet with my trainer Kyle, who is now working on helping me gain some upper body strength (yeah, I apparently cannot bench press a sandwich.)

The Rap River Run is just 1 month away! I have got to re-focus on my 5K time...and getting out to run/walk in the HEAT! I've exercised so much indoors, that I am unsure how I will do outside. We shall see...

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