Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Training Begins: Some Progress...and Some Setbacks by Tory DeWaters

Well, after deciding to walk/jog my first 5K, I challenged myself to walking the entire 3.1 mile distance (around my neighborhood) within one hour. Luckily, I can do this without too much trouble; however, I'd really like to get through the race in a bit less time. Wasn't I able to "run" a mile in 14 minutes in Junior High? I think I was awarded with a "C" for that! Honestly, a 14-minute mile would be an A++ for me right about now!

Well, considering I am currently receiving daily radiation treatment, maybe I should keep my goals more attainable?

Last Thursday, I timed myself at the gym on the incline. One mile took me just over 18 minutes, and yes, I hustled at the end to get that time. I huffed and puffed and sweated profusely. Burns from radiation treatment mixed with sweat just plain stings; plus, my knees growled and my shins and feet barked at me. Ugh, 18 minutes times 3.1 is...will there be any food left by the time I finish this race anyway? I might could finish faster if I focus on the food...

I decided I might want to enlist the help of a trainer at my Gold's Gym in St. Petersburg. I signed up to work with Kyle, and I have worked with him 3 evenings so far. He is aware of my goal, and is also working with me to regain some of my strength and stamina that I lost during chemotherapy. He is also being mindful of the fact that I am still in treatment (well, he's pushing me a bit, but that is what I asked for!) I still need to have him help me with some stretches to ward off the growling and barking from my lower legs.

On Sunday, quite spontaneously (and without regard to the 1st and 2nd degree burns on my chest, armpit and upper back), I decided to time myself on the treadmill for the entire 3.1 mile distance--while working as hard and as fast as I felt comfortable. Well, I am unsure if I was actually comfortable, but I finished in just under 48 minutes. Woo hoo! I celebrated by doing some strength exercises for about 2 minutes. Yeah, I was pooped.

Unfortunately, my skin had gotten so bad by Monday afternoon that I had to cancel my next appointment with Trainer Kyle. As of now, I am having to wait a few days for my skin to heal up a bit. I am using compresses and creams to ward off infection and pain. Honestly, the radiated areas hurt badly enough that I am not really interested in going to the gym (or even walking around the neighborhood).

I am optimistic that I will be ready to train again very soon! Stay tuned!

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