Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We All Need Someone for a Little Positive Victoria DeWaters

Wow! This has been a busy week for me! I have been to the gym 4 times since last Wednesday, and I am feeling great!

Since I already know I can do the full 5K on a treadmill, I figured I would start on shaving off some time from my one mile. I was so proud Monday night when I was able to do a full mile in 16 minutes--goodness it feels good to improve so quickly! Woo hoo!

This week, I also worked with my trainer Kyle Woodward, who is helping me to be in "tip-top" shape for the run in June. I'll tell you, it is nice to have a trainer work with you and help you focus to achieve your goals. Kyle is good...he doesn't laugh (much) that I can't even bench press a sandwich. Luckily, you don't have to use your upper body much in a running event!

The kids who stay at RAP House, I know they appreciate having the YFA Youth Care staff to help them focus on achieving positive goals too! Support our YFA RAP House staff and youth this June at the RAP River Run! See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Once you can bench press a sandwich go for ten reps! Also on the treadmill to compensate for wind conditions etc on the streets around Sims Park you should set the incline at "1".
