Friday, April 2, 2010

I think I can, I think I Mary Rozycki

My best Friend Michelle and I after finishing The Main Street Mile in April!

My name is Mary and I am a 5th grade teacher here in Pasco County! I have been a teacher for 13 years and really enjoy making an impact of the live of the children in my class. In addition to my 20 plus students, I have a set of 3 year old twins that keep me beyond busy. Having such a busy life I found it hard to make time to make me a priority. And then one day I did!

March 27 , 2009 was the day that I decided to regain my life back. I was ready to get healthy! So that day I started to eat healthy and leave behind the days of fast food, tv dinners and yes even soda. In exchange I was eating fresh fruit, veggies and homemade meals. I increased my water intake to a min of 1 gallon of water a day.

One year later my results have been dramatic, I am done almost 60lbs! Truly AMAZING! However, that was only part of the goal now I need to get in shape.

So I set my goal to run and yes I mean to run an entire 5k. Before I tackled this feat I needed to start with baby steps, so in April I ran the Main Street Mile, and yes I ran it, in 11min. Not to shabby considered before training for this, I had NEVER run before.

I am very lucky to have such great friends who also decided to take on the challenge I set before them of a 5k!

The training program we decided to use is called Couch to 5k, it states you can go from a couch potato to run a full 5k in just 9 weeks!

This is now week two and so far so good!
Follow me on my journey as I update you on my goal to run my first 5K at the RAP River Run !!!


  1. We work to prevent youth homelessness & reunify youth and their families. YFA helps develop skills that last a lifetime

    We are glad you chose to become the new you at our RAP River Run!

  2. That is very cool that you did that
