Friday, April 23, 2010

The Woods are Lovely Dark and Deep, but I Have Promises to Keep, and Miles to go Before I Sleep, and Miles to go Before I Sleep by Mary Rozycki

This week was a GREAT RUNNING week, it however was not a great work week. I had lots of "stuff" happen this week that really seemed to push me to my limits at work.

So what was the best way to deal with this added stress? Yes to run it out!!! So that is what I did, day one was walk 5, run 5 repeat four times. This running day was good, when I finished I felt strong not too out of breath.

Day two was warm-up 5min walk 8min run, 5 min walk, 8 min run then cool down this was insane how was I able to run this in the Florida sun and heat but I pushed and made it. What loomed for me was day three 5min warm up walk and then 20min run, no breaks just run!!! This scared me to death to actually run for a full on 20mins, I decided this run needed to be alone. I wanted to really focus on the run the feeling and the pain? if any . 10am this morning I headed out and at 10:30am I was home and I DID IT. I ran for a full and total 20mins! Never in my life would I have ever guessed that would be possible, and yet I did it.

I am half way to my goal but every week I get closer and closer. I will run this 5k!!!!

Check back next week to see how I am keeping up........

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