Monday, April 12, 2010

For Ginny Pierce Foot Problem Rears Its Ugly Toe!

I must admit I've been trying to play "fix your own foot" with a toe problem that has caused me to lose a toenail, so good thing I sell printing and not fix feet and toes! Then there is the ugly hammer toe that is really bothering me when dressed in tennies and a bone injury problem on the inside of my foot! And, do you believe this is all on one foot?! After walking Saturday, I was rendered to the chair with pain and throbbing so it's off to the foot doc on Thursday. I'm scared about what the prognosis will be. I won't be walking until after I see the doctor, which saddens me, because I was really back on track. Please keep your toes and fingers crossed for me that this problem isn't serious and definitely won't need surgery!

I've always wondered why people would want to put themselves through pain, injury, sweat and tears to just say they finished a 5K walking or running but with this being my second year and knowing what a great cause this is for, I have nearly been reduced to tears over this hurdle. To say I completed the RRR 5K Walking two years in a row, would be one of my major accomplishments of the year. With all the metal in my body (two legs, lower left leg plate and five metal rods in my back) a silly foot problem is not going to keep me from being at that start line!!!

Stay tuned for my toe/foot/training update next week and keeping me in your spiritual thoughts wouldn't hurt either!

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