Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We All Need Someone for a Little Positive Victoria DeWaters

Wow! This has been a busy week for me! I have been to the gym 4 times since last Wednesday, and I am feeling great!

Since I already know I can do the full 5K on a treadmill, I figured I would start on shaving off some time from my one mile. I was so proud Monday night when I was able to do a full mile in 16 minutes--goodness it feels good to improve so quickly! Woo hoo!

This week, I also worked with my trainer Kyle Woodward, who is helping me to be in "tip-top" shape for the run in June. I'll tell you, it is nice to have a trainer work with you and help you focus to achieve your goals. Kyle is good...he doesn't laugh (much) that I can't even bench press a sandwich. Luckily, you don't have to use your upper body much in a running event!

The kids who stay at RAP House, I know they appreciate having the YFA Youth Care staff to help them focus on achieving positive goals too! Support our YFA RAP House staff and youth this June at the RAP River Run! See you there!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ginny Pierce Hits the 3 Mile Mark!

Hi fellow walkers and runners,

I am so proud of this 62-year-old body tonight! I did 2-1/2 miles a day Friday, Sat. and Sunday, and I walked in the heat of the day. So walking early, early this morning when it was cool, I went for the 3 miles and I did it right at 60 minutes and survived and worked all day!!! It was halfway through May last year before I even attempted 3 miles a day!!! I do, and encourage you, to walk and run during different times of the day even if you don't go as far because it does prepare you for the heat on race day. I couldn't have dreamed last year I would be so hot and so in need of hydration as I walked off those miles and they hydrate us all along the course. It's amazing how this little thing of walking for the RAP House (and I'm just one out of 1,000) can give me such great satisfaction. It's a wonderful time to think, look at nature, and plan or review the day. Hang in there guys and keep walking and running for "Our Kids"!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Woods are Lovely Dark and Deep, but I Have Promises to Keep, and Miles to go Before I Sleep, and Miles to go Before I Sleep by Mary Rozycki

This week was a GREAT RUNNING week, it however was not a great work week. I had lots of "stuff" happen this week that really seemed to push me to my limits at work.

So what was the best way to deal with this added stress? Yes to run it out!!! So that is what I did, day one was walk 5, run 5 repeat four times. This running day was good, when I finished I felt strong not too out of breath.

Day two was warm-up 5min walk 8min run, 5 min walk, 8 min run then cool down this was insane how was I able to run this in the Florida sun and heat but I pushed and made it. What loomed for me was day three 5min warm up walk and then 20min run, no breaks just run!!! This scared me to death to actually run for a full on 20mins, I decided this run needed to be alone. I wanted to really focus on the run the feeling and the pain? if any . 10am this morning I headed out and at 10:30am I was home and I DID IT. I ran for a full and total 20mins! Never in my life would I have ever guessed that would be possible, and yet I did it.

I am half way to my goal but every week I get closer and closer. I will run this 5k!!!!

Check back next week to see how I am keeping up........

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back in Action! By Victoria DeWaters

Well, I have been Ms. Lazybones during the past couple of weeks...haven't been able to workout at all due to my radiation burns. FINALLY, I was able to get back into the swing of things this week.

On Monday, after 2 plus weeks off, I figured I would start in a bit easy on myself, so I did 2 miles on the bike and 1 mile on the elliptical. I also did some abdominal exercises and some legwork with weights. Okay, so that is really not 'taking it easy' on oneself, but it felt really really good!

Tonight I was so tired, but I headed up to the gym anyway...and this time, for the first time, I did not wear a beanie or a ballcap. Tee hee! I feel a bit goofy yet, but hey, it is much cooler without a hat!

I timed myself on the treadmill for a mile: 16 minutes and 30 seconds! WOW! I am impressed with this! And let me tell you, I was huffing and puffing! If that wasn't enough, I decided to do another 15 minutes on the elliptical...then some squats. Yeah, I was exhausted after this. I was also soaked with sweat...and I had no idea my head sweat so much!!!

I am so glad to be able to get back to the gym...I am determined to gain back my fitness level, surpass it, and kick some booty at the RAP River Run in June!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ginny Pierce's Feeting Are Walking Again!

I'm back and the good news is no surgery needed! Just had to have the foot doc do some fix up and give me some tips to feel less pain and pressure on the bone when I'm walking. I've waked 1-1/2 miles three days in a row and I'm feeling great, ready to move up to 1-3/4 to 2 miles in the next couple weeks then the last few weeks before the race, including my Ohio vacation, hopefully 3 miles at least every other day. I know that's great aspirations but you gotta have a goal! That works for me.

I've had so many people tell me that they are excited about the Rap River Run for various reasons. They are all having a blast reading our blogs and keeping up with our problems. Some wonder why in the world would we want to put ourselves through this in the heat and humid Florida weather (like my Ohio family!). Some have never participated in any form of organized walking or running (can you even imagine that?) - blood sweat and tears just to say you participated in the Rap River Run! Some participate because this is a real achievement and accomplishment for them as it was for me last year. And my favorite is that many do it just because it's for a wonderful cause and we are touching many lives of the youth in our community and I believe that is probably the best reason of all!

Tune in next week to see how we all fared another week and get walking or running - we need you there!

Ginny Pierce

Friday, April 16, 2010

Back to the running by Mary Rozycki

This week was one I was looking forward to! I was really ready to get back to running and working out consistantly.

The schedule for Couch to 5K week 4
5 min walk
3min run
90 sec walk
5min run
2 1/2 walk
3min run
90 sec walk
5min run
2 1/2 walk
cool down walk

Looks much worse than it actually was. I was amazed because I could do it. Not only was I able to do but at the end I really found it not bad. I was able to get breathing normal again by the end of my cool down.......

If you are looking for a great program to Couch to 5K, to get you ready in 9weeks.

This week I also was happy to go out shopping for some new workout clothes, needed shorts and tanktops. What a fun way to spend my hard earned money !

See you next week come back to see how week 5 goes for me, it is the big run on day 3.

Monday, April 12, 2010

For Ginny Pierce Foot Problem Rears Its Ugly Toe!

I must admit I've been trying to play "fix your own foot" with a toe problem that has caused me to lose a toenail, so good thing I sell printing and not fix feet and toes! Then there is the ugly hammer toe that is really bothering me when dressed in tennies and a bone injury problem on the inside of my foot! And, do you believe this is all on one foot?! After walking Saturday, I was rendered to the chair with pain and throbbing so it's off to the foot doc on Thursday. I'm scared about what the prognosis will be. I won't be walking until after I see the doctor, which saddens me, because I was really back on track. Please keep your toes and fingers crossed for me that this problem isn't serious and definitely won't need surgery!

I've always wondered why people would want to put themselves through pain, injury, sweat and tears to just say they finished a 5K walking or running but with this being my second year and knowing what a great cause this is for, I have nearly been reduced to tears over this hurdle. To say I completed the RRR 5K Walking two years in a row, would be one of my major accomplishments of the year. With all the metal in my body (two legs, lower left leg plate and five metal rods in my back) a silly foot problem is not going to keep me from being at that start line!!!

Stay tuned for my toe/foot/training update next week and keeping me in your spiritual thoughts wouldn't hurt either!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break by Mary Rozycki

This is at the end of the Main Street Mile!

This week started off great Saturday morning I jumped right out of bed and started this break off with a morning run! No problem!!! Then Monday came and it was time again for a run, I was able to recruit my good friend Erin to join me for a run, no problem. During the week I went for a walk with my family at night how nice to enjoy my family and excersize together.

I was feeling very good about the training and then....... well..... it is break and I just kinda slacked off. Everyday I look at the alarm set for 7am and turn it off and roll back over for a much needed extra hour of sleep.

Friday was going to be the get back in gear day and now it is raining outside, so I will be off to the gym to get back to it.

If you would have asked me a year ago if I would have even cared about working out the answer would have been a big resounding NO. But now I understand the value of excersize and a healthy lifestyle.

Be sure to check back next week, I will be back to my couch to 5k full steam ahead!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What have I gotten myself Amanda Hickman Murphy

Hi, my name is Amanda Hickman Murphy, and I will be 40 this year - this is not making me a happy person but it's better than the alternative! My title is Senior Vice President, Investments at Raymond James & Associates which means that I assist individuals and families with wealth accumulation and preservation. I am celebrating my 11th year with Raymond James this month. I feel extremely blessed to be in this industry, even with all of the negativity of the last few years. I love what I do and can't imagine any other career being as rewarding.

I got involved with RAP River Run three years ago, having no knowledge of 5Ks or running. I could not understand why people would want to get together on a hot morning and run not just 1 mile (which I had NEVER done), but 3.1 miles. I met Jim Simms at a BPW meeting, and he started sending me emails regarding the runaway shelter and this wonderful group of volunteers who wanted to help raise money for the children. The emails touched me, and I quickly signed up to help in any way I could, as long as no one asked me to run/jog/walk or do any exercise!

The first year blew my mind! All of these people came out to sweat together with the only goal to run 3.1 miles. The interesting thing to me was the fact that not everyone was in top shape, but they were out there to participate. Seeing the excitement still couldn’t get me off the couch, however, year two rolled around and I was learning more about this group of really (bizarre) people who like to run in different races throughout the Tampa Bay area. Talking to the individuals and hearing the excitement they had with reaching the finish line gave me a little better understanding of what was so foreign to me.

So, year 3 began, and two of the runners on our committee (Pat and Robin are to blame for my slip into this crazy world) challenged me to try a 5K. I am very competitive with most things in my life, so I agreed to get off the sofa and complete a race before RAP River Run. Since exercise has never been my strong suit, I quickly recruited my 16 year old daughter to assist with motivation. She is nothing like her mother, a strong athlete who finds running to be a enjoyable activity (I didn’t know I had one of the crazies living in my own home)!

The start of this process was extremely difficult, to say the least. I started by walking and quickly found myself in so much pain that I could hardly move. After a month with Dr. Hanson at Tarpon Total Healthcare I was released to start walking and exercising again. If the pain wasn’t enough, my daughter trying to motivate me with no success was more than either of us could take. I just couldn’t do this running thing. It wasn’t fun. I couldn’t breathe, and I would do ANYTHING just don’t make me run. Well, I felt so bad that I was letting my daughter down and holding her back from running at her pace. It was so easy for her, and I just couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t do this. In the back of my mind was the realization that I had accepted the challenge of attempting a race and failure was looking like my only option. Realizing that there are people twice my age doing this, and the fact that I need to lose 25 lbs, I decided I had better find someone who could help me, if this was possible. So, instead of giving up, I started talking to everyone that I knew who is a runner. I told them what I was going through and asked how they started and what keeps them out there. The person I listened to the most was one of my co-workers who ran her first 5k this past year. I figured she would understand where I was coming from and she did. Her advice make it to the first mile without giving up and you will be able to do the rest of it with no problem. DON’T stop on that first mile.

The other thing I quickly realized, THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL…I learned that it’s not that people LOVE to run, it’s the feeling of accomplishment they have when they complete the run. This made sense to me. I thought that everyone who participates in these races are like my daughter and love to run. Thankfully, I now know this is not true!

The other advice that has truly helped was given to me by Pat. She told me to try the Jeff Galloway training method. This has made the training much easier. My daughter does not like this method, so it is an individual thing, but if you are having trouble - please try it.

Stay tuned, this Saturday I will be running in the Iron Girl 5K race in Clearwater. In my next blog I will let you know which tips and tricks worked for me so that you can try them for Rap River Run. This will be my first 5K but not my last! I'm hooked!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Forced Rest by Victoria DeWaters

Well, I have had to take it very easy during the past week. My radiation treatment has caused some significant swelling and skin damage; therefore, I have been unable to do any training for the Rap River Run 5K. Ugh, so frustrating to feel like you are making some progress and then you get knocked down! I am feeling hopeful though, as my last radiation treatment is on April 8th--I am ready to be done and get back to my life!!!

For now, I must rest, and let my body heal.

Hmmm...I am feeling a bit antsy though, so I wonder how long I will be able to put up with this!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Walking RRR Part One, Year Two by Ginny Pierce!

Hi to all walkers and runners,

This is Ginny Pierce. Hopefully many of you remember me from blogging last year. I'm 62 years old and last year RAP River Run was my first ever race. I was thrilled to finish it because the year before my health was so bad I couldn't even volunteer. In fact, I could barely stand. But I made it and was so proud. Follow me again this year as I go for two RRRs in a row!

I have slowly have gotten back into my walking routine to prepare for this year's 5K Walk after this cold, cold winter! I'm back to 1-1/2 miles every 2nd or 3rd day but plan to add more time so I'm doing 3 miles a day for the month previous to the race. I'm so excited and my goal is to improve my time of one hour and 48 seconds.

If you remember I have had two knee replacements in the past three years and back surgery with five metal rods implanted four years ago. My health this past year has been good other than a gall bladder bout and once they removed it I felt like new!!! I do the walk to support the RAP House and the great work they do with kids in our community. They have suffered tremendously and the small amount of effort and pain that I endure to train and do the race is nothing compared to what we can do for them by raising dollars. I will keep you posted weekly on how I'm progressing and I hope to see you all there with friends and family!

Walking for youth,
Ginny Pierce

Friday, April 2, 2010

I think I can, I think I Mary Rozycki

My best Friend Michelle and I after finishing The Main Street Mile in April!

My name is Mary and I am a 5th grade teacher here in Pasco County! I have been a teacher for 13 years and really enjoy making an impact of the live of the children in my class. In addition to my 20 plus students, I have a set of 3 year old twins that keep me beyond busy. Having such a busy life I found it hard to make time to make me a priority. And then one day I did!

March 27 , 2009 was the day that I decided to regain my life back. I was ready to get healthy! So that day I started to eat healthy and leave behind the days of fast food, tv dinners and yes even soda. In exchange I was eating fresh fruit, veggies and homemade meals. I increased my water intake to a min of 1 gallon of water a day.

One year later my results have been dramatic, I am done almost 60lbs! Truly AMAZING! However, that was only part of the goal now I need to get in shape.

So I set my goal to run and yes I mean to run an entire 5k. Before I tackled this feat I needed to start with baby steps, so in April I ran the Main Street Mile, and yes I ran it, in 11min. Not to shabby considered before training for this, I had NEVER run before.

I am very lucky to have such great friends who also decided to take on the challenge I set before them of a 5k!

The training program we decided to use is called Couch to 5k, it states you can go from a couch potato to run a full 5k in just 9 weeks!

This is now week two and so far so good!
Follow me on my journey as I update you on my goal to run my first 5K at the RAP River Run !!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Training Begins: Some Progress...and Some Setbacks by Tory DeWaters

Well, after deciding to walk/jog my first 5K, I challenged myself to walking the entire 3.1 mile distance (around my neighborhood) within one hour. Luckily, I can do this without too much trouble; however, I'd really like to get through the race in a bit less time. Wasn't I able to "run" a mile in 14 minutes in Junior High? I think I was awarded with a "C" for that! Honestly, a 14-minute mile would be an A++ for me right about now!

Well, considering I am currently receiving daily radiation treatment, maybe I should keep my goals more attainable?

Last Thursday, I timed myself at the gym on the incline. One mile took me just over 18 minutes, and yes, I hustled at the end to get that time. I huffed and puffed and sweated profusely. Burns from radiation treatment mixed with sweat just plain stings; plus, my knees growled and my shins and feet barked at me. Ugh, 18 minutes times 3.1 is...will there be any food left by the time I finish this race anyway? I might could finish faster if I focus on the food...

I decided I might want to enlist the help of a trainer at my Gold's Gym in St. Petersburg. I signed up to work with Kyle, and I have worked with him 3 evenings so far. He is aware of my goal, and is also working with me to regain some of my strength and stamina that I lost during chemotherapy. He is also being mindful of the fact that I am still in treatment (well, he's pushing me a bit, but that is what I asked for!) I still need to have him help me with some stretches to ward off the growling and barking from my lower legs.

On Sunday, quite spontaneously (and without regard to the 1st and 2nd degree burns on my chest, armpit and upper back), I decided to time myself on the treadmill for the entire 3.1 mile distance--while working as hard and as fast as I felt comfortable. Well, I am unsure if I was actually comfortable, but I finished in just under 48 minutes. Woo hoo! I celebrated by doing some strength exercises for about 2 minutes. Yeah, I was pooped.

Unfortunately, my skin had gotten so bad by Monday afternoon that I had to cancel my next appointment with Trainer Kyle. As of now, I am having to wait a few days for my skin to heal up a bit. I am using compresses and creams to ward off infection and pain. Honestly, the radiated areas hurt badly enough that I am not really interested in going to the gym (or even walking around the neighborhood).

I am optimistic that I will be ready to train again very soon! Stay tuned!

Training for my first 5K, during cancer treatment and beyond!

My name is Victoria DeWaters, and I have never had much of an interest in jogging or running. Folks who know me have probably heard me say, "The only time I am going to run is if a dog or a police officer is chasing me, and the likelihood of either is very small!" So, why have I decided to walk/jog my first 5K at the Youth and Family Alternatives RAP River Run in June?

In 2009, I experienced one of those "life changing" years. Early on, I had decided I needed a lifestyle change. I wanted to re-tool my diet and introduce regular exercise into my life. By mid-year, I had worked off some extra weight, and I was exercising around 5 days a week at my local Gold's Gym. Then, just a week before my 35th birthday, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Breast Cancer. Soon after this, I endured two surgeries (including a double mastectomy), and I began an aggressive course of chemotherapy in mid-October 2009. Radiation treatment would begin in early 2010.

By the end of 2009, I had experienced 4 chemotherapy sessions...I had no hair, about 13 pounds of extra weight from strong steroids (meant to combat allergic reactions to the chemo medications), and not a lot of strength or stamina. Yet, I continued to work, and I even managed to go to the gym...about once every other week.

After chemotherapy ended in January 2010, radiation treatments soon began. This entailed daily treatments, Monday through Friday, for a total of 33 sessions.

With work, radiation treatments, and a dog who enjoys his evening visits to the dog park, one would think I had enough on my plate--especially for someone in the middle of cancer treatment! And yet, I was determined to regain my health and fitness.

In early March, I decided to set a new fitness goal for myself. As luck would have it, local Pasco County community members and my employer, Youth and Family Alternatives, Inc., were beginning to gear up for the 3rd Annual RAP River Run. This event raises money for youth in crisis who need shelter, counseling and/or life skills services. As a proud supporter of my employer and the services we provide at the RAP House, this seemed to be the perfect challenge to me (physically and mentally) to participate in our annual fundraising event--a 5K Run!

In the hopes of inspiring others to overcome and conquer life's challenges, and to help raise awareness (and funds) for the Youth and Family Alternatives RAP House, I am honored to offer my words--my story of preparing for this event. Please check in every Wednesday for a few words about my progress, and please also plan to join me on June 12th, 2010, for the Third Annual RAP River Run!